
converging ethical science, technology, and play for good


A Resilient World

We envision a mosaic of thriving communities where the diversity of earth’s individuals and organizations contribute, harnessing collective wisdom to foster resilience, innovation, and adaptability in the face of uncertainty and evolving threats, from pandemics, to poverty, climate change to culture change. Together, we collaborate and co-create solutions, cultivating a proactive and engaged populace that navigates challenges as a team, safeguarding our shared future.

Our Mission

Be a bridge to this just and hope-filled future by fostering an ecosystem of human and technology teams that democratize the creation, sharing and translation of new knowledge for healthy societies and global good.

Thinking Differently

We must transition from preparing for isolated events, such as pandemics and climate threats, to comprehending and addressing shared dangers we face daily through inclusion,  multidisciplinary, cross-sectoral, community powered innovation.


Once upon a time in a pandemic…

The Resilient collective assembled with the audacious goal of driving our planet away from the cliff of climate change, lost truth,  and pandemic ages we are approaching, and towards a future of inclusive abundance, planetary equilibrium and justice.
From academics and industry, to public health experts, technologists, futurists and artists, citizen hero’s from all walks of life sparked this new organism, and we are ready to spread for good.

What unites us is the belief that we need to shift our focus from “solving pandemics”, the symptoms of complex interactions between societies and nature, to solving community resilience, living in harmony as we balance  nature and everyday needs. How we do this requires some radical change.

This is the origin of Resilient, a collective dedicated to transforming and democratizing how communities and societies address not only pandemics but the host of other existential threats we all face, all while maintaining essential functions.

To get there we must think radically, evolving away from perverted economic models,  while reimagining our planet as a shared collaborative space.

As a cooperative we must converge new innovation for stewardship, invention and joy – from hybrid human AI serious games that merge entertainment and intelligence,  to resilient manufacturing, synthetic biology and digital  copilots – let us  raise societal platforms that   humanity can power for the global good.

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