
resilient shield

From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – Center for Forecasting and Analytics: A reference design for integrated public health modeling and predictive intelligence.

EkOS system

EkOS a societal platform to channel citizen action through science-based targets and innovative mechanisms to save our planet. Join the collective to build a sustainable future through science, community, and innovation.

resilient commission

Societal Resilience in a New Pandemic Age. We are living in a time of great uncertainty and change. We must understand the landscape of threats and develop effective ways to be resilient together.

resilient games

Our society has forgotten nature’s gift of play and its power to solve our hardest problems. We’re converging human and machine intelligence through serious games to solve wicked problems.

community tables

We’re talking about the Elephant in the room – over dinner with strangers. A pop-in public media series that brings community and thought leaders together to discuss topics we all care about for the survival of our species.


resilient platform

Coming soon, a Resilient Toolkit for all of us. 

Join the Collective

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